
A vibrant, cohesive, and supportive residential neighborhood for homeless and at-risk Veterans and their families on the North Campus of the West Los Angeles Veterans Affairs campus. In keeping with the spirit of the original 1888 conveyance and the vision of the Draft Master Plan, the West Los Angeles Community Plan envisions a Veteran-serving neighborhood that will provide a space for collective impact and collaboration between the West LA Veterans Collective, VA staff, local stakeholders, and Veteran community partners in order to aggressively combat the daunting crisis facing the nearly 4,000 homeless Veterans in Los Angeles County.

Campus Composite

Discover what we’re planning as the West LA Veterans Collective



Phase 00 – 238 Homes

Phase 01 – 678 Homes

Phase 02 – 423 Homes

Phase 03 – 254 Homes

Phase 00

The initial phase of development precedes completion of the Community Plan, whose projects were considered as part of a focused Environmental Review for restoration and adaptive reuse of four historic structures. Buildings 205, 207, 208, and 209 in the North Village area are being historically restored and converted into Permanent Supportive Housing for over 200 Veterans. While the three buildings surrounding the historic quad’s open space are being developed outside of the Community Plan scope, the process of having the Principal Development Team design and develop Building 207 is providing valuable insight and guidance throughout the planning process.

Phase 0 work also includes the creation of a new main branch for utilities along Bonsall Avenue to serve the North Village area, upgrading half-century old infrastructure. A portion of those utilities will enter the VA Campus via Constitution Avenue, while the remaining will enter from the west along Pershing Avenue. Phase 0 begins circulation improvements to accessibility, while expanding convenient vehicle and bicycle parking for residents and visitors.


The West Los Angeles Veterans Collective is deeply committed to the successful transition of military Veterans and their families through the provision of service-enriched housing that promotes recovery, wellness, and a more hopeful future.

Core Values


Champion the universal right of all Veterans to live in quality, affordable housing.


Assemble holistic and comprehensive services, amenities, and housing that help anchor Veterans in a home and community.


Support Veterans’ mental, physical, and emotional health by meeting them where they are, while promoting the development of a therapeutic community that benefits from safety, livability, and connectivity.


Contribute to a healing and thriving community where Veterans have ample opportunity to share their talents as supportive peers and empowered community leaders.


Build neighborhoods that honor Veterans service by preserving the historic and natural environment of the community – shaping it into an environmentally and culturally vibrant place.

Embrace Equity

Develop and exercise polices that promote consistency, fairness, and justice to ensure community stability, social cohesion, and housing retention.


Embrace Veterans, stakeholders, and partners with shared values, insight, and respect to collaboratively serve the interests and needs of the diverse community.


Ensure the long-term fiscal health, viability, and success of the community through strong operations and community programs.


Foster a learning environment that leverages collective experience, while promoting innovation, flexibility, and appreciation for the contributions made by all.


Uphold President Lincoln’s promise “To care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow, and his orphan…” which underpins the mission of the VA. Honor and respect our Veterans in all that we do.

Urban Design Strategies

While the West Los Angeles Veterans Community Plan provides certain intentionality within the Mission, Vision, and Principles, the Urban Design Strategies provide guidance as to how the plan manifests and as each of the elements are designed, constructed, and managed.

Establish Order

Create sense of hierarchy, orientation, and monumentality across the community by strengthening the historic organizational structures through building, landscape, and environmental graphic design.

Assemble Harmony

Restore the architectural heritage of the community while continuing to build textural synergy among the growing collection of high-quality, diverse design styles and typologies.

Build Critical Mass

Cluster development, uses, and infrastructure improvements to build a critical mass of activity, services, and amenities within the community. Be thoughtful on phasing, focusing development on areas that can be fully claimed, built out, and utilized.

Connect Within and Beyond

Foster physical connections both within the VA community and beyond into the surrounding communities where appropriate. Create meaningful gathering places where community can be brought together.

Improve Open Spaces and Mobility

The most common mode of transportation on Campus was cited as walking. Ensure that the large Campus is more easily navigable, keeping in mind those with physical limitations. Create an open space and transportation network that takes into account the impact of the I-405 Freeway and Wilshire Boulevard on Campus.

Create Monumentally Modest Neighborhoods

Enhance the civic design and architecture of the West LA VA community through historic preservation, new construction, monuments, public art, and landscape design.